Great New Sherlock Fan Site Opens It's Doors
The popularity of BBC series Sherlock seems to know no bounds. Livejournal, and Tumblr are all buzzing with Sherlock related content and now a new fansite dedicated entirely to the show has opened.
The Baker Street Supper Club is run by a collective of fans and also takes contributions from fan artists. There are sections for cast and character bios as well as information on the filming locations. You can also pop in to the forum for a chat with other fans.
With the series still to air in the US the online fan content can only keep going upwards. It's just a shame we have to wait a year for series 2.
Saturday, October 09, 2010 | Labels: sherlock | 1 Comments
Free At Last: No More Archaeology, Lots of Knitting
So, I'm the first to admit that I've done a woeful amount of blogging this year, largely due to my decision to go back to university and do a Masters degree. The workload was horrendous and despite the fact that archaeology is a subject I love, by the end of the course I would have been happy never to see a shovel again. Kind of like how I felt about Shakespeare after studying his plays constantly for two years at A Level.
Luckily, that's all behind me now and I can get back to what I enjoy doing as hobbies, knitting and writing.
On the knitting front I am currently working with Ashley, a fellow knitter from Canada, on an interpretation of Dr Watson's crew-neck sweater from the recent BBC1 series, Sherlock. (See the in-progress photo above). The pattern was arrived at after an afternoon squinting at various screencaps supplied by fans of the show from across the internet.
Having never designed a crew-neck before this has been something of a challenge on the arithmetic front but hopefully it'll come out OK and I can upload a full copy of the notes for the project by the end of the month.
Monday, October 04, 2010 | Labels: knitting, sherlock, sweater, watson | 0 Comments
Sherlock Reboot is the Best Thing NOT on TV
For the last three weeks I have been thoroughly enjoying the new version of Sherlock on BBC1. Written by Mark Gatiss and Steven Moffat and starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman it was the most fun thing on TV for quite a while. It's a shame that the first batch of adventures only included three episodes but word has it that a second season will be going ahead next year.
A DVD of the first three episodes also goes on sale in the UK on August 30th and the internet is also providing a stop gap for fans of the show in the form of the usual fan fiction. Live Journal and FanFiction. net both have sections for Sherlock fan fic already and some writers are striking out on their own like the mysteriously named Langdale Pike with Cold Fusion
I've loved Holmes and Watson since my parents introduced me to Conan Doyle's stories as a child. I'm hoping the second season will contain many more Conan Doyle references such as The Red-Headed League and of course, the delicious Irene Adler. :-)
Beautiful Jilbabs and Abayas

Having said that I don't believe that 'modest' should mean 'dull'. I love bright colours, embroidery and good tailoring. As a student of Medieval history I'm also a big fan of the feminine elegance of vintage designs.
Yesterday, I was browsing through one of my regular Google searches for ladies abayas and I stumbled on the website for Lebaas, a British based design house who make all the outfits they sell at their base in Luton.
Their prices are very reasonable, they ship worldwide and their designs are stunning. They also offer a made-to-measure service.
I have my eye on one of their outfits for pay day this month and, should I ever decide to get married, I'll definitely be wearing a Lebaas abaya. This one in particular is appealing to my inner romantic. :-)

On The Needles